devil dog

In honor of halloween this devious creature
has emerged from a pair of socks.
He's not as evil, as he is strange.

This creature if accepted, will be one of the raffle entries
at The Atomic Holiday Bazaar

I am the mightiest mouse.

Some one out there has this necklace.
The day I see it again will be a happy day.

ring ring ring

its time to make the rings.
They require much more attention than necklaces.
There are only a few who can wear each ring.
I will not size them.
I like to think of it as finding the easter egg
with your name on it.

oh lordy!

The one thing that makes my heart ache
is when my friend a.k.a The Molecule
sends me car art from out west.
I just about packed my bags
when I saw this beauty...

a bonafide jesus beater


courtsey of Google Maps
This is where Im at right this very instant.
I love the satellite feature.
so cool.
I'm right past the mandatory flood insurance boundary
wind insurance however is required.

weird bunny

still waiting for the weather to chill out.
and for myself to chill out.
I'm having some sort of mental fit.


sidetracked by monkeys

oh no. I've gone off the deep end for these sock monkeys.
It's a good thing I live in Florida
and there aren't many socks around.
I'm going to try to stop.
really I am.


frog bag

ok so I wasn't done with knitting I guess.
I don't know how to knit.
I can only knit straight needles.
no fancy patterns for me.
I'm what they call "an angry knitter".
I swear a lot especially in the beginning.
Oh and I always knit 'too tight' I'm told (hence the swearing).
I found the pattern here thx Arlene!